Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Yesterday we did this. It was alright . . . definitely better than the third one. Of course, nothing will ever come close to the original.
It was a nice little ride down memory lane with Woody, Jessie, Buzz and the gang. Because there used to be a cute little blonde-headed boy who was absolutely smitten with Woody and Buzz . . . I can't even tell you how many times we've watched the movie together! I have to admit that it's one of my favorites, too. I asked Mason yesterday if his favorite movie as a tot was Toy Story or Cars. Because Cars is another one that was on constant repeat. He couldn't remember. But I do. He used to call it "Farmer Buzz" (even though he was a cowboy, not a farmer). All I know is that Woody is the reason we finally experience potty training success in our house! I have a small box of very favorite toys I've saved from Mason's childhood, and Woody, Jessie and Buzz are all in that box. Such good memories! Woody went everywhere with us. (And it took me a minute to figure out what was going on in the background of this picture, but I finally realized I had covered our fireplace with a cardboard box. Obviously someone was crawling and climbing. And those are figures from Hannah Kate's first nativity scene lined up in front of it.) Mason loved Woody so much that he dressed up as a cowboy, too. And had his own Bullseye to boot!
And Woody is on his shirt (too bad Woody didn't lend him a comb . . . some things haven't changed in over a decade!).
As we were talking about Toy Story being Mason's favorite movie as a little, Ellie asked what Hannah Kate's favorite movie was. Mason was quick to respond, "Dora!" Hannah Kate wasn't big on movies per se, but she absolutely loved to watch Dora. She's quick to turn her nose up at that now. So we were waiting for the movie to start yesterday, and Hannah Kate wondered aloud, "I wonder what previews we'll see today." It's been a very long time since we've been to the movie theater to see a movie, but they always look forward to the previews. And then . . . all of a sudden . . . the second preview in . . . BACKPACK BACKPACK!!! Y'all. They are coming out with a real-live-girl Dora movie this fall! As soon as we figured out what it was, Mason and Hannah Kate looked at me, and we all burst out laughing. I'm sure everyone else in the theater thought we were nuts, but it was hilarious given our earlier conversation in the truck.
And then there was THIS one! And they were all, "What in the world IS THIS?!" I mean, I was giddy. And Mason said, "You'll have to go see that one with Dad." I told him I'd be seeing that one with Mrs. Tracy. I have to say the previews didn't disappoint yesterday.
I have to say yesterday was a sweet little trip down memory lane. Those were the days I thought were so hard. If only I'd known then what I know now. Those days were so simple. I could use some more of that right now. And this popped up on my social media feed yesterday. So very true and well played!