Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I tried to pull this off yesterday. I really did. But I just didn't make it. I love linking up with What's Up Wednesday because it's just a great way to catch up on everything I'm behind on. It's just a good little reminder of these days that seem so long and so full, yet so fulfilling.
It's nothing to write home about. We're back in the season of using the crock pot a lot because I just don't have the time I'd love to have to spend in the kitchen. I feel like my meals are rather uninventive right now. I did attend a Wildtree meal prep workshop a few weeks ago and came home with ten meals in freezer bags that have been a huge lifesaver these days. I'm definitely going to be doing more of those throughout the school year. Honestly, if it was up to me, I'd eat a big bowl of soup and a slab of cornbread for supper every single day. But my people do not like soup.
You know, I just really enjoyed our quick little trip to Houston earlier this month to see the Astros play.
I'll mention this later, but Ellie and I are back at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) this year studying the book of Romans!
We are all in with 7th and 4th grades and kindergarten now. This is our third year of homeschooling, but I honestly feel like this is the first year of REALLY homeschooling. That probably makes no sense. We sort of cruised through the last two years. But 7th grade is no joke. And even though I feel like I've been doing kindergarten with Ellie for two years now, I finally made it official, meaning I actually purchased a math curriculum and have a specific "school schedule" for each day. I'll post soon about Ellie's school days. It has been quite a challenge managing everyone's school day and school work, especially with the youngest and oldest being so far apart in age. But I think we've settled into a routine that's working for us.
Anyway, our days are full of school activities and lots of reading. Hannah Kate has dance two nights a week, and Ellie is taking gymnastics. Right now I feel like I'm always behind, I can't get caught up and I'm missing something. But I've also decided that there are some things I just have to let go right now. I can't do it all. I'll never be able to do enough. But I'm also realizing it's really not at all about DOING. It's about BEING. But that's another thought for another day.
Nothing, really.
I have drastically simplified my personal projects because I really needed to be "all in" with homeschooling right now. Besides, there simply aren't enough hours in the day. I really had no choice. If I had to put words to it, I'd say I'm working on being in the moment with my children, giving my all as a homeschooling mom and glorifying God in the day-to-day things that He's entrusted to me.
Oh, I'm excited about EVERYTHING. This is my most favorite time of the year! I'm hopeful I will eventually be able to pull out my scarves, leggings and boots. Maybe one day soon the temperature will drop below 92 degrees. I'd love to take a drive to see some fall color on the trees because we don't have that down here. I haven't had my first pumpkin spice latte yet because, well, honestly, it's just too darn hot. But I'm looking forward to that, too. I'm planning to bake some pumpkin muffins tomorrow. And applesauce. I'm in the mood for homemade applesauce!
But you know what else? And I even hesitate to say it because I wasn't expecting it this year . . . but I'm pretty pumped about my team! I mean, I've always LOVED my team. It just gets kind of lonely sometimes living away from my team. But this year, for the first time in three years, I'm just really excited about my team, and I'm loving every minute of this football season. I hope to share that same sentiment throughout the entire season this year!
Well, I think we all know what I'm watching these days. I can't tell you the last time I watched a series of anything. I don't even know what comes on when. I just don't have time in my life these days for watching anything. Except football.
Now I realize this is a rather eclectic collection of books to be reading right now. But let me explain.
Hannah Kate and I are currently reading together Anne of Green Gables. Oh, I absolutely LOVE Anne! I adored this book when I read it as a child, and I've had the best time reading it with Hannah Kate. She has already asked to watch the movie once we are finished! That makes me happy!
Mason and I are currently reading together The Iliad. So let me just be honest here. The ONLY reason we are reading this is because we "have" to for 7th grade. Otherwise, it's just not my favorite. This is my first time reading Homer's work in its entirety. I'm so proud of Mason! He's really hanging in there with it. We're on page 424 . . . less than 200 pages to go! We can do this!
Earlier this month I read Practical Theology for Women, Teaching from Rest and Mississippi Blood.
Practical Theology was recommended to me by a dear friend. She said it was perfect for me, and she was so right! I highly recommend this to all of my sisters in Christ. Such a GREAT read!
I've had Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakeable Peace for over a year now. But it just sat on my shelf. I so wish I would've read this little gem when I first got it. But, in a way, I'm glad I didn't. It was just what I needed at the start of this new school year. This is a book that ALL homeschool Mommas should read! I would even recommend this book to Mommas who don't homeschool because there are so many good principles here, but it really is very specific to homeschooling. I know I'll be picking this one up again and again. It's a quick read, but there's so much on those pages.
I've also had Mississippi Blood ever since it released earlier this year. But I was saving it. It's the final book in a trilogy that I'm so sad has ended. Man, I just love a good southern author and a good courtroom drama in a southern town. I read this one quickly because I couldn't put it down. And I just hated finishing it.
Right now I'm reading Nothing to Prove. Oh, and it's so so good, too! If you struggle with striving and perfectionism, this book is for you!
Next time I talk to my parents, I need to ask them if I talked all the time as a kid. Because I really don't remember. I truly don't think I did. But two of my three children think it's their JOB to talk all. day. long. no. matter. what. I mean, one of them in particular would TALK TO THE WALL. Someone is ALWAYS talking!
Well, Ellie's gymnastics class is on Saturdays. That wasn't the original plan, and it's not my favorite. But it opened up a door for something else, and it worked so that's where we are right now. But after that gymnastics class, you can believe I'm coming straight home, and I will either be watching or listening to football the rest of the day! Seth and Mason have tickets to the LSU game so it will just be the girls and me. And then we spend pretty much all of our Sunday at church.
October is one of my favorite months for all the reasons I mentioned earlier. We don't have anything outside of the ordinary on our calendar right now, and I'm kind of glad about that. I just want to enjoy the simple things, the daily things that make up our lives.
Back in February, Sequitur announced that there would be a schedule change for this school year. Instead of going only two mornings a week, Hannah Kate would go four mornings a week. Mason would, too. This was a huge blessing for several reasons, one of which being it opened the door for Ellie and me to go back to BSF this year!
After five years in BSF, two of which I spent in leadership as a Children's Leader, we weren't able to attend last year because of homeschooling. I was sad. Actually, that's an understatement. I always knew how much I loved BSF, how much that Bible study has impacted my life. BSF has been, hands down, one of the best parts of my life since moving back here. It's one of the only places I've felt I "belonged." Needless to say, I felt a huge void in my life when it became necessary for me to leave the class last year. I always hoped the Lord would allow me to return one day, but I had no idea when that day would come as soon as it did. So, ever since February, I've been looking forward to going back to BSF. We are studying Romans this year, which I can't even say enough about. Anyway, I attended the welcome two weeks ago so Ellie and I could enroll back in class. I can't even tell you what it felt like to walk into that sanctuary again and hug those familiar faces and sit in Bible study with those women. I felt like I'd gone home!
But, you know, God loves giving good gifts to His children. I also like to think He loves surprising His children. I know I love surprising my own children! I get such a kick out of the looks on their faces. I'll bet He must feel that way, too. Well, God surprised me two Wednesdays ago. Not only did He open the door for Ellie and me to go back to BSF, but He also gave me another opportunity to serve in leadership as a Children's Leader! Not even two hours after I left the welcome, I received a phone call asking me to consider serving again. I was shocked! I mean, I LOVED serving as a CL, and I had again always hoped that the Lord would allow me to do that again one day, but I had NO IDEA it would be NOW.
I agreed to pray about it. I WANTED it so badly, but I didn't know if that's what God wanted for me right now. Leadership would mean I would go two mornings a week instead of one morning a week, and I've really tried to protect our homeschooling time this year. So as much as I wanted to be a CL again, as much as I hoped to be a CL again, I had to be absolutely sure this was what GOD wanted for me. As I prayed about it, He very clearly and very quickly opened a door for me to say yes. I called Seth to talk to him about it, and I just couldn't stop crying. I know he thought I was crazy!
I still can't get over it even now! Ellie is absolutely thrilled to be going two mornings a week, and I'm so excited she has that opportunity again. I'm teaching the older two year olds/younger three year olds this year, and it's going to be such a TREAT!