Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I know several of y'all were expecting our big family road trip to post today. But, alas, it's not. I'll try again tomorrow. This is all I've got for you.
Seth and I celebrated 17 years of marriage on July 29. We were on vacation at the time (and spent that particular day at Cumberland Falls and then the evening in Chattanooga). So last Friday night we went out for our anniversary to my favorite date-night spot.
This was my view across the table. (Yes, those are shrimp corn dogs. We let them choose the appetizer. I actually make this exact same recipe at home so they were really excited when they saw it on the menu. And I was really excited that mine turn out just like theirs!)Yes, the kids went with us. Because that's how we roll. I had an anniversary coupon for 25% off that expired on Saturday so I wasn't about to let that go! So we made reservations for the five of us. We did go to the more "casual" of the two locations, but the kids had never been there before. We hadn't been seated at our table very long until one of the waiters walked by with a fluffy mound of cotton candy. Mason's big eyes got even bigger, and I thought the kids were going to have a fit! I started laughing and explained that they bring cotton candy to your table at the end of your meal. And that was it. They were in love. Needless to say, EVERYONE cleaned their plate because that's what cotton candy does for you. That's all they talked about, all they looked forward to nearly the whole time we were there. And then, of course, Mason and Hannah Kate both declared they had a new favorite restaurant and would be requesting this on their birthdays.
All I have to say is I hope they enjoyed it! I know I sure did. But I'm hoping the next time will just be my guy and me.
17 years. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. And, yet, it seems like it's been forever. And we still have forever to go.