Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
We took a little family vacation to the beach a couple of weeks ago. I talked to my bestie right after we got back, and she told me she'd be looking for beach pics on the blog. She called me a couple of days ago and asked how our beach vacay was. Because obviously I never posted. So this was our trip to the beach. And, honestly, it's just a lot of sand and water pics because that's pretty much all we did. Except the last night we did go play putt putt. But that's it.
If you like a lot (and I mean A LOT) of pics of cute kids on the beach, this is for you. I have to say . . . this was the PERFECT little vacation. The water was perfect, the weather was perfect, our condo was perfect. I took every single one of these pictures with my phone, and I didn't edit any of them for color. So what you see here is exactly what it looked like when we were there.
All these kids wanted to do was spend the day on the beach. So that's what we did. Eat. Beach. Eat. Beach. Beach. Eat. Sleep. REPEAT. They were so excited our first morning out.
This cool dude hardly stayed out of the water.
I just love this picture. It's exactly how I felt, too, Ellie!
I love her little shadow here.
Hannah Kate came out of the water awhile to build sand castles with Ellie. Mason eventually came over to her and asked her if she'd go back out into the water with him. She didn't think twice. She immediately jumped up, and they ran out into the water. I took a picture really quickly because I love the relationship these two have with one another. They are tight. And I mean tight! They really are best friends. I'm so thankful for that! Mason respects Hannah Kate probably more than he does anyone else on this earth, including his daddy and me. He will do anything for her. He is very protective of her. Hannah Kate looks up to Mason, and she's always willing to help him. She almost doesn't know what to do when he isn't around. He spent several days last week at a youth conference. Hannah Kate seemed lost almost and was so relieved when it was time for him to come back home.
And then Ellie followed them. It seems like Mason and Hannah Kate are always teaming up, and Ellie is the one left out. She doesn't care to play "independently." And, yet, she can be pretty bossy. Mason and Hannah Kate really do their best and really try hard to include her. For the most part, they are pretty patient with her, too.
Ellie definitely spent more time in the sand than she did in the water. She asked me to bury her, but she kept sticking those little toes up out of the sand.
We built sand castles. Lots and lots of sand castles.
And sand castle cities and towns.
And this one right here spent a whole lot of time doing this.
And a lot of times I could see only this.
I wish I knew what she was thinking.
He never caught a fishy, but he spent hours diving for one.
It was a rare moment to catch him sitting down.
See what I mean? And Hannah Kate is right behind him.
As is the littlest sister.
To see those big smiles, hear the laughter . . . oh, it was good. So, so good.
Do you wanna build a sand castle? Mason had nothing to do with this. He just wanted to be in the picture!
This was a sunset view from our balcony. That's actually the moon right there.
And then we'd wake up and do the same thing all over again!
Sisters. Best friends for life! You know, when I was growing up, I had a very best girlfriend. We started kindergarten together, and only in a couple of elementary school grades were we not in the same class. We always tried to schedule our classes together in middle and high school. We were inseparable. We'd come home from school and then spend hours talking on the phone. We had spend-the-night parties and double dates. We went to youth together. She was my best friend. She was such a gift to me, and I treasured our friendship. She was one of the biggest parts of my life growing up. I've always wanted Hannah Kate to have a best friend like I had. And I've often "worried" that she doesn't. But I realized just recently that she already has a best friend. She has a sister. I don't have a sister. But my best friend was like a sister to me, the closest thing to a sister I ever had besides my cousins.
This was the view from the back side of our condo. I love that little sailboat out there.
There are certain people who think you can't go to the beach unless you go play putt putt. This was our last night there, and I really didn't want to go because I was tired. But I'm so glad we did. We had a blast! Putt putt with kids is the best!
When we got back to the condo, the girls wanted to go back out to the beach. Mason was totally worn out. I'm always good to go to the beach!
This one . . . oh, I just love this one! Like I said earlier, it was perfect . . . the water, the sand, the weather, the sky, just everything. Perfect.
On the morning we left, we let the kids sleep as long as possible. I'd already packed so we were ready to go as soon as they woke up. I took a walk down the beach while they were still asleep. It was early, and no one was out there yet. Again, no filters. No edits. Just my ole phone snapping these pics.
When I turned around to walk back, I noticed my lone set of footprints. Just me and the beach and the Lord.
And then I noticed this. Somehow I'd missed it the first time. But I couldn't help but notice it on my way back.
Give unto the LORD, O you mighty ones,
give unto the LORD glory and strength.
Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name;
Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
The voice of the LORD is over the waters;
The God of glory thunders;
The LORD is over many waters.
The voice of the LORD is powerful;
The voice of the LORD is full of majesty.
~Psalm 29:1-4