Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
So the original title for this post was Finally Friday. Because it's been a long week. Not necessarily a bad week. Just a really long week. Here's a look back.
Last weekend Mason had the opportunity to go to the LSU baseball game with some friends. He was so excited! This was one of the things on his "bucket list" for 2017. I'd tried to get tickets for all of us to go, but five is obviously too many people to take to an LSU baseball game. So even though we couldn't be there with him, I was so glad he got to go.
They played Wichita State and won. Mason came home with lots of loot, including a ball signed by Cole Freeman, Zach Watson, Nick Coomes, Josh Smith and Coach Mainieri. He also snagged a home run ball hit during batting practice. He was pumped!
But then that whole day-light savings thing messed up my whole week. I don't even know whose idea that is. I can tell you one thing. It's not the doing of a mom deep in the trenches of parenting and homeschooling and just trying to keep it all together because an hour of sleep is the LAST thing I want to lose. (But ask me in October, and it'll be the best weekend ever when I get that hour back!)
We sat in traffic a lot this week. It's not the morning rush hour or the drive home. It's just normal, middle of the day traffic that comes to a standstill for no reason. On Tuesday I left 45 minutes early so I could stop by the grocery store before picking Mason up at Sequitur. Instead I spent that 45 minutes in traffic. But at least I wasn't late in picking him up. And then this was our drive back home. I try not to complain. I really do. But it's frustrating. I try to remind myself that sitting in traffic just gives me extra time in the truck for more conversation with the kids. On this particular day, Mason came up with the brilliant idea of buying an RV. He said then we would have everything we needed - a potty and a bed - and we wouldn't have to worry about going anywhere because we could live in a parking lot somewhere. That sure would beat the parking lot on I-10 everyday.
But we had a little fun when we finally made it home on Tuesday. It was March 14, otherwise known as Pi Day. The big kids and I were talking about it, and Ellie contributed to the conversation by saying it was the perfect day to play Pie Face. She's a smart one, she is! So that's what we did.
Hannah Kate was absolutely cracking me up with the faces she was making.
Every single time she turned that knob, her face constricted and contorted all kinds of ways.
Ellie decided to try Mason's strategy of opening her mouth wide in hopes the whipped cream would land there.
It was off just a bit. But it made its way to where she wanted it to be.
And then it was Hannah Kate's turn again. She's beginning to catch on.
She actually won the game. She was just dying to get a pie in her face. She finally just sat there and kept on turning the knob until it hit her.
And, again, a little to the top and left.
While the kids were playing, I made a pecan pie.
In the midst of all this, I was talking on the phone to my bestie. She was telling me about cleaning the underside of the stove hood in the rental property she's about to flip. That got me to thinking. I took a look underneath my cooktop hood and couldn't stand it. So I immediately got to work. I unscrewed the panel that holds the filters and took everything apart. While I had all of that soaking, I crawled underneath the hood and was scrubbing away. Until something dripped down right onto the middle of my eye. MY EYE. I had my contacts in so I took it out. I wasn't able to get it clean so I had to throw it away and get a new one for that eye. But at least nothing actually got in my eye. When I was driving the next day, I noticed I really couldn't see all that well. It didn't take long for me to figure out what was wrong. There's a big difference in my prescription for each eye. I put the wrong contact in. So in less than 24 hours, I essentially wasted two lenses.
And then came Wednesday. That would be the day that one of my children (who shall remain name-less) locked my key in my truck. And it's the only key I have! So we had to drive around in big red. In the meantime, I texted Seth. I don't even know why. I had no idea what we were going to do. I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. So he asked if we still had the On Star subscription. First of all, I never even thought of that. He's so smart! I mean, On Star is so stinking smart! But second of all, the subscription expired on March 12. Three. days. ago. Imagine that. He called anyway, and they were able to unlock the truck for me. Again. How smart is that? (No, I still didn't renew the subscription.)
Finally. We make it to Thursday. I can see. And my children are not allowed to touch my keys. We're still sitting in traffic. But this girl was chosen as a dancer of the month at our dance studio! (And to think she's ready to trade those dancing shoes in for a balance beam and uneven bars!)
Mrs. Jillian is her teacher this year. Mrs. Jillian was the student assistant in Hannah Kate's class during her very first year in dance.
I sure am proud of this girl! I'm proud of both of my dancers!
And that brings us to Friday. Finally.
After a really great day that I'll tell you about later, I ended up in urgent care tonight with this little one. She's been struggling with a cough for a couple of days, but things went downhill fast this afternoon. I knew it was either strep or the flu, and I needed to know what I was dealing with. It's the flu. Yes. The flu. And to be totally honest with you, I'm thinking Hannah Kate is the next one down. So this just changed things dramatically for my weekend.
Today is March 17. St. Patrick's Day. Otherwise known to me (and always will be known to me) as the day Ellie broke her arm, and we had to spend the night in the hospital and wait on surgery the following morning. So this was us on March 17, 2014.
I'm not Irish. And it's safe to say the luck of the Irish is NOT on my side! And, apparently not on my Ellie's side either!