Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Hannah Kate has been doing A LOT of writing this year. She's usually given very specific writing prompts, but last week her assignment was to write her very own short story. She had to choose a story to be her inspiration and then she had to choose a conflict. She spent a bit of time story mapping to pull her ideas together and then she wrote her own story. I did not help her at. all. Not one single bit! As a matter of fact, she wouldn't even let me read it until she finished her final draft! She didn't tell me her inspiration, conflict or title. I was so excited when she finished it and I finally got to read it.
It is the most precious, creative story (I mean, the title alone!). And I'm going to share it with you. (She honestly probably wouldn't want me to do that.) But this is another memory I need to capture and save.
After I read it, I asked her how she got the idea, and she said she didn't know. That's her typical answer for pretty much everything. She did tell me that her story of inspiration was the Wizard of Oz.
Kansas was a land with millions of trees and a bunch of woods. In Kansas lived a man named Jacob and his wife. Jacob, who was a great hunter, made and sold clothes to poor people for free.
Everyday he went out in the woods with his bow and arrow to hunt. One day when Jacob came home from work, he realized he needed money. He exclaimed, "I will go to California!" He scampered on the plane and rushed to California. In California he sold lots of clothes.
But he missed his flight and needed help getting home. There were three other people that missed their flight, too. They all worked together to collect lost items and junk. With all the stuff they collected, they made one big plane. They jumped on the plane and headed off. When they got to Kansas they said their goodbyes and headed home. Jacob couldn't wait to tell his wife about his journey.
But when he got home, his wife had just got done shopping. He realized he did not need to go to California. He learned to always remember where his wife is.
By Hannah Kate Bayham (9 years old)