Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
The manger is a symbol of what can happen when Jesus Christ resides inside us. The ordinary suddenly becomes extraordinary. ~Billy Hybels
The manger scene. I just love the manger scene! We have several around our house right now. And, for some reason, manger scenes always capture my attention. My favorite Christmas cartoon is A Charlie Brown Christmas. And it's all because of that manger scene, the point in the cartoon when Linus reads the beloved Christmas story from Luke 2. It's so sweet, so simple. Yet so profound . . . the Jesus was God in the flesh, God with skin on. That Jesus was born so He could die. For me. For you. This morning at church we presented the Christmas musical we've been working on since September. Several of our children dressed up to portray the manger scene. Year after year, I never get tired of it! It never gets old!
This year Hannah Kate was an angel. Mason was a shepherd. Abbie was Mary. And do you see that big red bow that baby Jesus is wearing?! I forgot to take Ellie's bow out before her acting debut!
Little baby on the hay,
soon there'll be another day
when nails shall pierce Your hands and feet
as You provide our sin's defeat.
Risen Jesus on the throne,
we lift our praise to You along -
for You're the gift that we receive
the moment that our hearts believe.
~Roy Lessin