Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Look what bloomed today!
But it seems like spring arrived already. We've been enjoying spring-like weather since mid-January. At least a few weeks of cold weather would've been nice, but I have to admit I've really enjoyed the weather. Our azaleas bloomed a few weeks ago and were so pretty. Everything is coming back to life . . . the grass is green again, the trees are sprouting new green. I'm really anxious to get out in my flower beds and pots and plant for spring and summer. I'm also anxious to plant my vegetable garden. But I remember several years back when Mason had to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants while Easter egg hunting because of an unusual cold snap in April. So I'm trying to wait a little longer before doing any new planting.
In the meantime, we've spent the past several weeks trying to survive 1st grade, croup and the crud. Hannah Kate is better now, but I think this last round of croup did my humidifier in so I need to purchase another one before she gets it again. Seth is better, too, but he continued to get sick even when taking antibiotics. And as for me, I started a round of antibiotics this past Monday. After four weeks of ear aches, sore throats, coughing and congestion, I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm feeling better, but I do fear some of this yucky stuff has settled in my chest. I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday.
And as for 1st grade . . . well . . . I think we're doing pretty good there, too. We were so very proud of Mason last week when he brought home A's and B's on his report card. It's been a very challenging semester, and he had some low grades at mid-term, but he brought all of them up! He works so hard at school, and homework takes us at least an hour each afternoon. I think 1st grade is the new 4th grade. There's no more "see Jane run." He's reading some serious stuff, words that I had no idea he would read in the 1st grade. We wanted to reward him for all of his hard work so he got this Nerf disc blaster thing. It's the first Nerf gun he's had that is automatic instead of pumping each time you want to shoot. And this Friday he's going to his first ever sleep over at a friend's house.
And as for Miss Hannah Kate . . . last Friday she dressed up in her crushed black "velvet" dress, complete with the gold locket that was mine when I was little and a rhinestone crown. She dressed Emily in her matching outfit (compliments of Cindy!). And we had a tea party and played Go Fish. Because I'm sure you wear your crushed velvet dress when you want to play Go Fish, too.

And as for the little guy in the middle . . . well, he'll be 2 years old in about three weeks. It's so hard to believe he's been with us for nearly 2 years. And in a few short days, his time with us will come to an end. With the approaching arrival of the new baby, Connor will begin "preschool" on April 2.
And . . . not only is today the first day of spring . . . but it's my birthday! Actually, it's OUR birthday. Happy Birthday, Cindy (and Scott, too). In the midst of washing, folding and putting away laundry, preparing meals, reading books, singing songs, homework, playtime and everything else in between, I felt like a rock star today!
And here's the diva playing outside the other day. Everything is a pose now. This seems to be her signature pose.
I think Mason and Hannah Kate were more excited than I was to open my present from Daddy and Mama. So open it they did.
I didn't take a picture, but it's a lamp I'd been eyeing at Pottery Barn for quite some time. Love it!
Happy Spring!