Yesterday was busy! But it was a great day! Hannah Kate and I enjoyed a Girls' Day Out while Mason was at school, and we ended the night with a lil bit of worship in the music room. But since it was after midnight before I had a chance to sit down at the computer, I figured we'd just talk about Friday Favorites today instead!
Favorite Memory - I will never forget seeing Mason dressed up in his daddy's old Indian costume. This is what he looked like on the way to school yesterday morning:
And the dozen red roses in his hands . . . those were for his teacher. He'd been telling me for a week or so that he wanted to take flowers to Mrs. E so we picked up a bouquet of flowers while Hannah Kate was at dance. All his idea!
Favorite Pin - My favorite pin this week is this DIY Christmas ball decoration. I absolutely love it because it reminds me of the special Connell Christmas ornaments. Grandmother Scott, (my great-grandmother) started making Christmas balls many years ago using those old satin balls. She would take all kinds of beads and pearls and ribbons and lace and pin decorations to the ball until it was absolutely beautiful. Grandmother continued the tradition. Grandmother's attic is full of these beloved treasures, and they decorate her tree every year. Those are the only decorations on her tree. I always thought growing up that Grandmother's tree was the most beautiful, most special of them all! Mama has a good collection of them now, including ten or so that Rob and I made one year. And Grandmother gave me several after Seth and I were married. If I had enough, these would be the only decorations on my tree!
Favorite Activity - I REALLY enjoyed Bible study this week! I'm so thankful for God's Word and new friends.
Favorite Meal - It's beginning to feel a little "fallish" around here so last night I made a big pot of baked potato soup. It was perfect. But my favorite part of the meal was turkey and provolone paninies with basil pesto mayo. So good!
Favorite Quote - As usual, there are a couple of these. On Tuesday night I was trying to settle the kids down for Bible and bedtime. I was going through the usual be-quiet-pay-attention-settle-down routine. It took a little corraling, but we were finally there. Just as I opened the Bible to read, Hannah Kate piped up, "Yeah and no burping." Any and all seriousness was lost at that moment as we all busted out laughing. That's a rather fair indication of where we are with our 6-year-old son these days.
One of Mason's spelling words this week was mused. Yes, 1st grade. So I always make up sentences and try to think of funny stories to help Mason remember the meaning of his words. I explained to him that muse means to think about something. So every night at the supper table, Seth and I would ask Mason was he was musing about. Of course, Hannah Kate had to participate, too. When we were on the way to Bible study Wednesday morning, she spoke up from the back seat, "Mama, I'm thinking about going to Pop and Mimi's house. When Connor doesn't come and Daddy doesn't have to go to to work and Mason doesn't have school, then we can go to Pop and Mimi's house. Riiiiggghhhhhtttttt?"
Favorite Verse - I've been studying the book of Acts. This week we were on chapter 13. Paul was speaking in the synagogue in Antioch and quoted one of my favorite verses, Habbakuk 1:5. Look among the nations and watch- be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days whilch you would not believe, though it were told you. I am excited about what God is doing in my life, in the life of my family. I am excited about what God is doing in my community and in my church. Each of the last three Sundays, there has been a profession of faith. SEVEN people have accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior at our church during the last three Sundays. If you would've told me this last month, I wouldn't have believed it. God is at work, and He is calling people to Him. There's nothing more exciting than that!
And today is also a very special day . . . we have a sweet nephew who is celebrating his 9th birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAU!
Favorite Memory - I will never forget seeing Mason dressed up in his daddy's old Indian costume. This is what he looked like on the way to school yesterday morning:
And the dozen red roses in his hands . . . those were for his teacher. He'd been telling me for a week or so that he wanted to take flowers to Mrs. E so we picked up a bouquet of flowers while Hannah Kate was at dance. All his idea!
Favorite Pin - My favorite pin this week is this DIY Christmas ball decoration. I absolutely love it because it reminds me of the special Connell Christmas ornaments. Grandmother Scott, (my great-grandmother) started making Christmas balls many years ago using those old satin balls. She would take all kinds of beads and pearls and ribbons and lace and pin decorations to the ball until it was absolutely beautiful. Grandmother continued the tradition. Grandmother's attic is full of these beloved treasures, and they decorate her tree every year. Those are the only decorations on her tree. I always thought growing up that Grandmother's tree was the most beautiful, most special of them all! Mama has a good collection of them now, including ten or so that Rob and I made one year. And Grandmother gave me several after Seth and I were married. If I had enough, these would be the only decorations on my tree!

Favorite Meal - It's beginning to feel a little "fallish" around here so last night I made a big pot of baked potato soup. It was perfect. But my favorite part of the meal was turkey and provolone paninies with basil pesto mayo. So good!
Favorite Quote - As usual, there are a couple of these. On Tuesday night I was trying to settle the kids down for Bible and bedtime. I was going through the usual be-quiet-pay-attention-settle-down routine. It took a little corraling, but we were finally there. Just as I opened the Bible to read, Hannah Kate piped up, "Yeah and no burping." Any and all seriousness was lost at that moment as we all busted out laughing. That's a rather fair indication of where we are with our 6-year-old son these days.
One of Mason's spelling words this week was mused. Yes, 1st grade. So I always make up sentences and try to think of funny stories to help Mason remember the meaning of his words. I explained to him that muse means to think about something. So every night at the supper table, Seth and I would ask Mason was he was musing about. Of course, Hannah Kate had to participate, too. When we were on the way to Bible study Wednesday morning, she spoke up from the back seat, "Mama, I'm thinking about going to Pop and Mimi's house. When Connor doesn't come and Daddy doesn't have to go to to work and Mason doesn't have school, then we can go to Pop and Mimi's house. Riiiiggghhhhhtttttt?"
Favorite Verse - I've been studying the book of Acts. This week we were on chapter 13. Paul was speaking in the synagogue in Antioch and quoted one of my favorite verses, Habbakuk 1:5. Look among the nations and watch- be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days whilch you would not believe, though it were told you. I am excited about what God is doing in my life, in the life of my family. I am excited about what God is doing in my community and in my church. Each of the last three Sundays, there has been a profession of faith. SEVEN people have accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior at our church during the last three Sundays. If you would've told me this last month, I wouldn't have believed it. God is at work, and He is calling people to Him. There's nothing more exciting than that!
And today is also a very special day . . . we have a sweet nephew who is celebrating his 9th birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAU!