We had . . . the best Christmas ever! This year we were in Georgia for Christmas. I just love how things work out. It SNOWED in Georgia on Christmas day this year! Even as far south as my parents live (an hour south of Atlanta), we still had snow. It wasn't a lot. But it was enough. It started snowing Christmas night. The next morning, I asked Mason and Hannah Kate to stand in the snow as we were leaving to go to church so I could take their picture because I was afraid it might all melt before we got home.
But it didn't! We even had a flurry or two that afternoon. So we couldn't help ourselves! Even though Mason and Hannah Kate complained (the entire time we were in Georgia!) that they were cold, they still wanted to go outside and play in the snow. I managed to scrounge up some hats and gloves for the kids, but other than that, they really didn't have appropriate "snow wear." Neither did Seth and I. I wore my dad's hunting jacket, my mom's gloves, a scarf around my head, my mom's earmuffs over the scarf, and if you look carefully, you can see me wearing my mom's pink plaid boots! Stylin' and profilin' . . . !Mason and Hannah Kate enjoyed throwing snow balls and licking icsicles.
I asked Hannah Kate to stick her tongue out and try to catch a snowflake . . . you know, like they do on Charlie Brown . . . but, of course, my measly camera wasn't good enough to pick up the few snow flurries that were falling. So it looks like she's just standing there with her tongue out for no reason!
It was very cold (for us, at least) the whole time we were in Georgia. The day after we arrived back home in Louisiana, it was 75 degrees here! But since then, it has been bitterly cold. I have to admit though . . . I'm lovin' it! My favorite part of the day is curling up on the couch after the kids have gone to bed . . . covered in my blanket and drinking a mug of hot chocolate . . . I'm enjoying it while I can. Even though we're not quite half-way through January yet, summer will be right around the corner.
And thank goodness! I'm totally OVER kindergarten!