This picture pretty much sums up our potty training experiment. Mason is checking out his potty sticker reward chart. As you can see, there are only TWO stickers on the chart spanning a time frame of three days. And, as I'm sure you're well aware of, Mason had to use the potty more than twice in three days . . . so where did it all go?!? Well, not in the potty! Seth came home the first day and asked me why "most of Mason's clothes" were hanging up in the bathroom. If only he knew! As diligent as we were to sit on the potty every 30 minutes and every 15 minutes talking about going to the potty and staying clean and dry, Mason decided he wouldn't complain about his diaper anymore nor try to take it off. He also decided he just wasn't going to use that potty, although sometimes he will still go in it before bath time. So the big boy undies are in the back of the drawer, the pull-ups are stashed away in the closet and the potty sticker reward chart is being saved for another day. Thus ends our potty training experiment for now. Have I mentioned that I'm perfectly okay with the fact that Mason is in diapers?!?
While we are still waiting on cooler weather to come our way so we can enjoy playing outside, we have been spending a lot of time working on letters, numbers, colors and shapes. I must say I'm quite proud of the progress my little boy is making, and I do think he is very smart. Of course, I'm sure you feel the same way about your precious little munchkin, too, so I'll not brag too much.
Mason also loves his big boy bed! I'm so proud of him. I had imagined the worst, but it has been one of the best experiences with Mason. Every night he crawls into bed and picks out a Bible story for us to read. His favorite Bible story right now is the birth of baby Jesus. Then we say our prayers and sing "Jesus Loves Me." He gets under the covers, and I don't hear a peep until he calls me the next morning. When I walk into his room, he is sitting patiently on his bed because he knows he isn't supposed to get out until Mommy comes. He's also been taking some really long naps in his big boy bed.
Last Sunday, Mason moved up to the 2-year-old class at church. They have a little more structure with the children so he came home the past two Sundays with a craft project he did based on the Bible story his teacher taught him. He loves going to church.
One of my top priorities after moving to Mississippi was to be sure that Mason had some friends to play with. So how do you know when your little boy really does have a friend? Why, he gets invited to a birthday party! And that's what happened last weekend. He went to a birthday party for one of the little girls in our play group, Eliza Kate.
So we still don't have a name for the baby yet . . . but Mason has decided what he would like her name to be . . . Kate. He calls her Kate, and sometimes he calls her Katie. I'm sure he came up with this because of his little friend Eliza Kate. He calls her Kate, too, and sometimes E Kate.
In the picture below, Mason is wearing his Daddy's old cowboy boots! Although they are a couple of sizes too big right now, he likes wearing them anyway. It sure is a hoot to watch him attempt to walk in them, especially with the little heel on the back!