One day last week, Mason was "playing quietly in his room all by himself" while I was fixing lunch. I really should've known better because Mason has never played quietly in his room all by himself! When lunch was ready, I called him to the table. He came running down the hall saying, "Powder, Mama, powder!" He was covered from head to toe. Imagining the worst, I went to his room . . . and it was even WORSE than I had imagined. He had climbed up on top of his tool bench and grabbed the powder from the changing table (yes, I had left it out earlier).
Powder was everywhere . . .
. . . in the carpet . . . even hand prints smeared down the wall . . .
. . . all over his tool bench . . .
. . . in his crib . . .
. . . in his shopping cart . . .

. . . in his toy box . . . in his dump truck . . .
The pictures just don't do it justice. It was a BIG FAT MESS! Not one to focus on the negative, at least it made his room smell really good!
Oh, and this was the day after he grabbed a jar of jalapeno peppers from the frig and dropped them (not on purpose - I just couldn't get to him in time) AND took the top off the bubbles and poured the bottle all over the sofa (I'm pretty sure this was on purpose)!