Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...

Mason loves music! He "sings along" with the radio in the car. He's captivated by the music on the Baby Einstein DVDs. When he's upset, I'll sing Skin-a-ma-rin-ki-din-ki-dink to him, and he calms down. And now he has discovered my piano! In his explorations of pulling up on EVERYTHING in sight, he started pulling up on my piano bench. Anytime he pulls up on something, he reaches his hands as high above his head as they will go, and his fingers search for anything they can grasp on to. I usually leave my piano bench out, but I had slid it all the

Disclaimer: Please note that Mason's mommy did not coerce, force, or even encourage Mason to play the piano. He is doing it of his own free will. She is, however, very excited about Mason's obvious love for music and the piano!