Our Christmas baby celebrated 14 years on December 4.
This year for Christmas her gifts were along the lines of facial masks (NOT to be confused with face masks), mascara, a nail polish bag and a blow dryer brush. She's even been wearing jeans and cute sweaters lately. And I wish I could borrow those booties, but she's a whole shoe size larger than me. She has really blossomed this year and made so many new friends. She has a sweet community. She continues to grow as a dancer. She loves to make fried rice, French toast and eat sushi (not all at the same time). She always has a book in her hand. She's becoming more self-confident.She will never understand how much I love her. I don't think I could tell her or show her if I tried. In the meantime, I'm just so excited to have a front-row seat to watch her grow up.