Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
The kids and I spent a couple of weeks with my family earlier this month. Most of our summer plans were canceled because of COVID-19. But this is a trip we probably wouldn't have made this summer were it not for everything else that was canceled because there wouldn't have been time to squeeze it in otherwise. We spent most of the time just hanging out with family and our friends. It was just a sweet, sweet time. I had originally wanted to go to a Braves game at the "new" stadium, eat lunch at The Varsity, take the kids to another museum and do some shopping in the ATL. But we didn't do any of that for obvious reasons. The time we spent with our people was priceless and definitely worth all the things we "didn't" do. We did pass through the city one day as we went to visit some friends north of the ATL (I don't have pics of everyone we visited or everything we did).
We went swimming with one of our favorite families and celebrated sweet O's birthday. He and Ellie were born just two weeks apart. We were so excited that he wanted to have a "party" when he found out we were coming. And my kids were so excited that O requested wings for his party!
I think, hands down, my kids' favorite summertime activity in Georgia is going to the lake with my parents. They always look forward to it, and it's just one of our favorite days. This time was no exception. The weather was absolutely perfect the day we went, and the kids had a blast on the water.
This kid would tube ALL. DAY. LONG. if we let him.
There's pretty much only one way to get Mason off the tube. Wait for it . . .
The girls like to ride, too.
But they really like to ride together.
One of them is constantly throwing us a "thumbs up," which means go faster, while the other one is shaking her head "no." I'll let you guess which one is which! I was proud of this dude for getting up on skis his very first try.
Mimi gifted us with our fourth version of Ticket to Ride so we played several times while we were there.
One of the things I looked forward to the most on this trip was July 4. That was always such a big holiday for my family. I think it was Pa's favorite most of all. We'd spend the afternoon swimming. He'd made homemade ice cream. We'd eat a picnic supper outside while waiting on it to get dark enough for fire works. All of us cousins would sit on the front porch while Pa and the dads shot fireworks. Several years ago Uncle Donnie and Aunt Harriette started hosting July 4 at their house. We've never been able to go because that's usually such a hard time to get away from here because of other things going on. But not this year! It was just the best time with my uncles and aunts and cousins. We were missing a few, but I was just so grateful to be there.
And more cousins.
I'm not one to post a lot of pictures of fireworks, but I'm just going to leave this right here. Let's just say the Connell 4th of July fireworks show has come a long way since Pa used to line up bottles in the road to launch the bottle rockets! We have Lamar and Denise to thank for this.
If you haven't noticed lately, Mason is tall. He's taller than Seth now. Everyone always asks us where Mason gets his height from. We always tell them it's from my dad and grandfather. We took a few pictures after church, and you can see Mason and Pop standing side by side. Mason will likely pass him up, too!
I wish Seth could make these summer time trips with us, but that doesn't always work out. We always miss him when we go, but I am so grateful the kids get to make these lasting memories with our loved ones that we have been "socially distant" from for the past 20 years.