For the Journey

Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day. ~A.A. Milne

"You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance." ~Psalm 65:11
We lit all the candles.  
After waiting and anticipating and embracing Advent as fully as we possibly could, it was time to light all the candles.

They couldn't wait to light the big candle, the Jesus candle.  And you can see our little Advent tree back there covered with ornaments carefully and lovingly placed every day.
We actually began the morning at church.  And then we lit the candles.  Our Christmas morning tradition is homemade cinnamon rolls.  I make these only once a year.  It's not that they are difficult to make.  There are just a lot of steps in the process, and it takes time.  But I was reminded that it was so worth it!
After we ate, we opened all the presents waiting under the tree.  We save all the Georgia presents for Christmas morning so we had a lot to open.  And, let me tell you, I make this last as long as I possibly can.  After all the Advent-ing, it seems like it goes so quickly by.  I don't want it to go quickly by.  After Christ was born, the Bible tells us that Mary "kept (treasured) all these things and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19).  That's how I want Christmas morn to be.  Keeping and pondering.  Treasuring.

We had the best time, and the children we so surprised and so delighted with their gifts.  Pop and Mimi are sending us to a basketball game in a few weeks. 
The smiles and laughter were never-ending.  Somehow I captured this one, and I was so glad I did.
And this little one had the biggest gift under the tree this year.  She could hardly wait to see what Pop and Mimi got her.  I thought she might guess it . . . Mason did . . . but she didn't.
Once she finally got it unwrapped and figured out what it was (thanks to the writing on the side of the box now that she can read!), she could hardly wait to get it out.
Daddy just wasn't moving fast enough for her.

But once he finally had it out, she wasted no time and just plopped her little self right on top.  She and her big sister have enjoyed choreographing their own little routines the past couple of days.  And, boy, do we hear it!

Speaking of smiles, she just shines bright.  I was telling my sister-in-law after lunch how she was trying to sneak candy up to her room the night before.  And this after complaining of a "tummy ache."  Ashley reminded me that Ellie keeps me young.  I'm not sure about keeping me young, but she definitely keeps me on my toes.

At the tender age of six years old, it doesn't take much.  Like these LOL dolls.  Don't know what they are?  The best way I know how to describe them are junky toys.  But it doesn't matter.  She gets the biggest kick out of them.
After the gifts were opened, it was time for stockings.  Stockings are still my favorites.  And these three are my absolute favorites.
After all the giving and opening and eating lunch with Seth's family, we had a quiet afternoon and evening.  And this.