Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
I had several goals (not resolutions because there is a difference) for 2015. One of those goals was to blog more often. Not for you. Not for me. But for my children. There are so many things I want them to remember, so many things I want to be sure to tell them. And this blog is for them and their future spouses and my grandchildren one day, provided that's where the Lord takes us. But I think I've blogged less this year than in all the nearly nine years I've been blogging.
It's frustrating. All of the things I would love to be doing right now aren't getting done. I'm not crossing anything off my to-do list. It's only getting longer. Our schedule this spring has been jam packed. I feel like I'm running around in circles. As hyper organized as I am, I can barely think straight to organize and prioritize my day so I end up just wasting a lot of time and then staying up way too late in my attempt to get caught up. I am tired. Tired. It is obvious that something(s) has to change. And will change. Beginning today.
After eight consecutive days of rain, we had a beautiful weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect. Especially yesterday. Even though yesterday was Monday, I still consider it the weekend. Mason and Hannah Kate are on spring break. For two days. Yes. Two whole days. Apparently twelve (12) days of standardized testing (no, I am not kidding or exaggerating) leaves little to no time for spring break. So they go back to school tomorrow.
On Friday I chaperoned Hannah Kate's final field trip. There are field trips I love. There are field trips I don't love. This was one of those. I do not like bowling, and I like the arcade even less. This field trip was bowling and the arcade. And considering I got hardly any sleep the night before because I was anxiously awaiting Seth to make it home (Seth was stuck in Dallas on a plane on the runway for several hours due to the severe weather across our area), I was not excited about bowling and the arcade with 106 first graders. But I prayed that the day would pass quickly (yes, I did), and I went.Hannah Kate had never been bowling before. Did I mention I do not like bowling? I have to admit I did enjoy it. It was super organized, and all of the little first graders were so cute bowling.
Ellie went, too, and she definitely held her own. She loves being around the big kids even if she can't actively participate in everything. But they all dote on her, and she has no problem entertaining herself. And everybody else for that matter.
After bowling we went to the arcade. Have I mentioned I don't like arcades? I really don't like arcades. So that part of the day nearly made me crazy. But the bumper cars were fun.
Hannah Kate loves her little BFF. They aren't in the same class, but they ride the same bus. Aren't they just the cutest, especially with those missing front teeth?!
And here's Hannah Kate with her other BFF.
On Saturday we dodged a few showers. But the kids still enjoyed an afternoon swimming, and there was a crawfish boil.
For the first time ever, Mason finally ate a crawfish. He actually ate three of them. I was completely and totally shocked. Mason doesn't eat anything. He is the pickiest eater I know. I can count on both hands the foods he'll eat. Not only does he not eat anything, but he even refuses to try anything. I don't know that he'll eat crawfish again. I certainly don't blame him there!
Yeah, Hannah Kate apparently has a little problem with her tongue. It's also worth mentioning that she has a really long tongue, so long that she can touch her nose with it! I kid you not. Anyway, she also ate a few crawfish for the first time ever. She eats anything and everything, including her vegetables. Crawfish were not her favorite. She may or may not eat them again.
Of course, Ellie refused to try one. But she did play with one for a minute.
This wasn't the first swim of the season. It's just one of MANY to come.
Yesterday I took the kids to the zoo. I thought that was the best way to enjoy such a beautiful day. I have to say I was really impressed with the zoo this time. Ellie and I went a couple of weeks ago with some friends, and I noticed they've made a lot of improvements during the past year. There was a lot of new landscaping, some new animals, some improved habitats. It's a small zoo, but it really is a pretty zoo. I can't even remember how many times we've been, but we always take a picture in the tiger cage.
The alligators were out of the pond and pretty close to the fence. Mason wanted his picture made with the biggest one. I took this and then looked at this big, handsome boy. Really?! How is this even possible? He's almost as tall as I am. He's almost in 5th grade. He's almost a whole decade old. But he's still my baby.
And I'm always a sucker for a picture in the beautiful bamboo.
This duck (because I'm sure it's in the duck family, but I get my birds mixed up) was just a talking to us. We carried on with him for several minutes. It really was quite funny.
And Hannah Kate always has to have her picture taken with the pink flamingos. With the exception of only one of them, they were all sitting down in the grass. And every time I took their picture, Ellie insisted on grabbing Hannah Kate and wrapping her arms around her. So sweet these girls are!
One of my favorites is the giraffes.
Ellie refuses to stay in the stroller anymore so I don't even try. She got tired and wanted me to carry her. But I was too tired to carry her so Mason scooped her up.
I love the colors on this stork so I asked Hannah Kate to stand with him. Going to the zoo always reminds me how creative our God is. (Although at one point I commented that one of the animals wasn't very pretty, and Hannah Kate said, "Mom, you know those signs everywhere say be nice to the animals. That's not very nice.") I also think a lot about Adam. God told him to name all of the animals. I mean, I know God helped him, but how in the world he came up with all these names is beyond me!
Before we leave, we always ride the train.
My favorite part of the ride is through the swamp. It's just beautiful.
We ended the day at the ball park, which is where we spend most of our weeknights right now. It was our first time back in over a week. They missed three games and several practices because of the rain. It was nice to be back. I didn't take any pictures though.
Today Ellie and I had Bible study so Mason and Hannah Kate spent part of the day at a friend's house. And just like that, spring break is over. I have no idea how many days of school are left. I think we have four weeks or something like that. At this point, I am struggling to finish strong. We haven't done homework in several weeks. I don't know if that's because Mason hasn't had any or because we just haven't done it. Of course, that's the first thing Hannah Kate does after school. She's usually done before I even know she's started. But I am determined to get with the program and see Mason through to the end of 4th grade, even if that means we have to do homework. Because at this point in the year, he's doing great, but he needs a little push to make it all the way through.
Jen Hatmaker blogged a couple of years ago about the "worst end of school year mom ever." While I laughed at the time, I totally could not identify with any of it. But this year? I am there. I am so. there.
And that was spring break. Two days. I just don't even know how they can call that spring break!