Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
Oh, you know, just another ordinary day. My morning started at 5:30. It was day 2 of VBS. And then Mason had an orthodontist appointment this afternoon. When they took x-rays, the orthodontist was actually more concerned with Mason's swollen adenoids and tonsils than his teeth. So that took us to the urgent care clinic where Mason was diagnosed with strep throat! What? What! Yes, that happened.
Mason may look like his Daddy, but he has his Momma's mouth (but as many times as I went to the orthodontist, I never remember doing some of the crazy stuff they had Mason do today so they could take pictures and x-rays of his mouth!). The good news is that the orthodontist is trying to avoid two rounds of braces. The bad news is that Mason has to have two of his baby teeth pulled in order to do so. His bottom teeth are super crowded, and his baby teeth just don't want to come out. So two of them are going to be removed in hopes that his other permanent teeth will shift themselves into position and move over a little bit to make room for the permanent teeth that can't come in. We'll go back in January to find out if this happened. If not, he'll have to go ahead and get braces on his bottom teeth. He has a ways to go before addressing the issues with his top teeth, but he will definitely be wearing braces there, too.
Mason has complained a little with a sore throat since Saturday. He hasn't had any other symptoms. He hasn't been eating a whole lot, but that doesn't cause us any concern because he just doesn't like to eat anyway. He hasn't quite been himself, but I thought it was just because we've been so busy and on-the-go the past few weeks. I figured the sore throat was a result of a little sinus issue. He didn't make a big deal out of it so neither did I.
I'm telling you I was really surprised when the orthodontist started talking to me first about Mason's adenoids and tonsils and swollen airways. He went so far as to say that he needs to see an ENT! So in my mind I am trying to figure all of this out. We still had several errands to take care of after Mason's appointment, as I was also going this afternoon to buy food to feed 250 people at VBS Family Night on Thursday night. After our first stop, I went straight to an urgent care clinic. I sensed something just wasn't right, and I knew we didn't have time to wait on an ENT appointment. I was still thinking Mason had a little sinus something but decided to get it checked out anyway since we're still in the midst of VBS and then leaving soon to go to the beach. Needless to say, I was NOT expecting that strep test to come back positive! Not at all.
When I made Mason's orthodontist appointment a month ago, I really didn't want to do it this week of VBS, but it was the first available appointment they had. I already knew that we'd be going back to the dentist to have some teeth pulled after this visit so I wanted to get all of that taken care of before school starts again. So we went today. Isn't God good?! Y'all, even though Mason hasn't quite been himself these last few days, he has in no way given me reason to believe he was really sick! And had it not been for those x-rays at the orthodontist's office and the doctor's reaction, I wouldn't have taken Mason to the clinic today. I don't know when I would've taken him!
He had to get a shot. And let me just say that he told his Daddy it was "no big deal." Well. It took THREE of us to hold him down while he got that shot in his booty. And he screamed like I've never heard him scream before! He was so mad! He must've forgotten about that.
After we left the clinic, we still had to finish our errands. I hated to drag him around everywhere. He was such a trooper and such a big helper. We, of course, didn't get home until late. He was so tired. I'm so tired. But we'll be getting up again in the morning to do it all over again. Of course, hopefully tomorrow will be a little less eventful than today. Except that we're celebrating another sweetie's birthday . . .
Mason may look like his Daddy, but he has his Momma's mouth (but as many times as I went to the orthodontist, I never remember doing some of the crazy stuff they had Mason do today so they could take pictures and x-rays of his mouth!). The good news is that the orthodontist is trying to avoid two rounds of braces. The bad news is that Mason has to have two of his baby teeth pulled in order to do so. His bottom teeth are super crowded, and his baby teeth just don't want to come out. So two of them are going to be removed in hopes that his other permanent teeth will shift themselves into position and move over a little bit to make room for the permanent teeth that can't come in. We'll go back in January to find out if this happened. If not, he'll have to go ahead and get braces on his bottom teeth. He has a ways to go before addressing the issues with his top teeth, but he will definitely be wearing braces there, too.
Mason has complained a little with a sore throat since Saturday. He hasn't had any other symptoms. He hasn't been eating a whole lot, but that doesn't cause us any concern because he just doesn't like to eat anyway. He hasn't quite been himself, but I thought it was just because we've been so busy and on-the-go the past few weeks. I figured the sore throat was a result of a little sinus issue. He didn't make a big deal out of it so neither did I.
I'm telling you I was really surprised when the orthodontist started talking to me first about Mason's adenoids and tonsils and swollen airways. He went so far as to say that he needs to see an ENT! So in my mind I am trying to figure all of this out. We still had several errands to take care of after Mason's appointment, as I was also going this afternoon to buy food to feed 250 people at VBS Family Night on Thursday night. After our first stop, I went straight to an urgent care clinic. I sensed something just wasn't right, and I knew we didn't have time to wait on an ENT appointment. I was still thinking Mason had a little sinus something but decided to get it checked out anyway since we're still in the midst of VBS and then leaving soon to go to the beach. Needless to say, I was NOT expecting that strep test to come back positive! Not at all.
When I made Mason's orthodontist appointment a month ago, I really didn't want to do it this week of VBS, but it was the first available appointment they had. I already knew that we'd be going back to the dentist to have some teeth pulled after this visit so I wanted to get all of that taken care of before school starts again. So we went today. Isn't God good?! Y'all, even though Mason hasn't quite been himself these last few days, he has in no way given me reason to believe he was really sick! And had it not been for those x-rays at the orthodontist's office and the doctor's reaction, I wouldn't have taken Mason to the clinic today. I don't know when I would've taken him!
He had to get a shot. And let me just say that he told his Daddy it was "no big deal." Well. It took THREE of us to hold him down while he got that shot in his booty. And he screamed like I've never heard him scream before! He was so mad! He must've forgotten about that.
After we left the clinic, we still had to finish our errands. I hated to drag him around everywhere. He was such a trooper and such a big helper. We, of course, didn't get home until late. He was so tired. I'm so tired. But we'll be getting up again in the morning to do it all over again. Of course, hopefully tomorrow will be a little less eventful than today. Except that we're celebrating another sweetie's birthday . . .