Remember that new fishing rod that Mason got for Christmas from Pop and Mimi? Well, he's already put it to good use! The week after Christmas, Mason, Seth, PawPaw, Barry and Abbie spent several days fishing in Cocodrie. They stayed at Barry's camp. This was Mason's first experience salt water fishing. The fish have moved up into the bayous so they didn't actually have to go out into the open water. Mason has been fishing many times on the bank of the pond but never this. I so wish I could've been there! It's absolutely hilarious to hear the stories, especially from Abbie, about his reaction to the whole experience. She said there was never a dull moment with Mason.
So here he is on the first day. I know it was the first day because he was wearing a life jacket. I'm not sure what happened to the life jacket after that. I just know it seems to be missing in many of the pictures.
And here he is with a speckled trout.
And here's Abbie. I think this was a redfish.
I don't remember how many fish they came home with, but they did good. Here's Mason and Abbie with the fish they caught on their last day out.