Just over a year ago, a friend of mine posted a picture on one of her social media accounts that caught my attention. But it wasn't the...
After three months of rainy, cold weather, we are anxious to get outside again . . . especially Mason. He likes to look out the window and watch the birds and squirrels play in our backyard.
Hannah Kate is growing so much! Even though it's a little too cool, I just can't resist dressing her up in her precious little dresses for church. If I wait until spring time, she'll be too big for some of them.
Every once in awhile, I upload our digital pics to my computer only to find a few surprises from my husband. That's what happened yesterday. Yes, that is a WORM. A rather large worm. I obviously missed out on this fun, but it's my understanding that Mason didn't care much for the worm. But, looking at this picture, it seems like he didn't mind it too much.
I don't know that this next picture really has anything to do with spring fever, but I thought it was adorable and couldn't resist showing off my sweeties!

One day last week, it was nice enough to go for a stroll around the neighborhood. Mason and Hannah Kate still had to wear their hats though.

Hannah Kate is growing so much! Even though it's a little too cool, I just can't resist dressing her up in her precious little dresses for church. If I wait until spring time, she'll be too big for some of them.
